
Thomas Coopman


The year is over, a new year has come. I know, New Year is an arbitrary point in time but it is a tradition to look back on the past year and have some resolutions for the year to come. So at this arbitrary point in time, lets look back and forward 2016 I’m going to make this short, because I mostly want to look forward! Became an independent software consultant Bought a house with my girlfriend Read lots of books Became a teamleader Lots of other cool stuff 2017 Last month I read Building Jarvis from Mark Zuckerberg where he builds himself a Jarvis in 100 hours. »



Thomas Coopman

Programming Phoenix review

Elixir and Phoenix crossed my path multiple times last year. I read a really interesting tutorial on building a web framework from scratch. Furthermore, Phoenix is really popular as an Elm backend, so I decided it was time to dive a bit deeper and learn myself some Phoenix. It just happens that Program Phoenix by by Chris McCord, Bruce Tate, and José Valim was published recently, so this seemed like a good opportunity to learn more! »


Thomas Coopman - Independent Software Consultant Thomas Coopman has been fascinated with computers since he was a kid. Playing around at first, became programming later and after learning some programming for himself and a small detour starting studies for nursing, he went on and studied Master of Informatics at the KULeuven. Thomas is a polyglot and loves to learn new languages. His latest language studies have taken him to Elixir, Elm, OCaml and he has a special affinity for functional programming languages. »

Thomas Coopman

Modelling money in Elm

After reading the blog post of Mathias Verraes (@mathiasverraes) on (Type Safety and Money)[http://verraes.net/2016/02/type-safety-and-money/], and after doing a real short modelling attempt in Haskell at Socrates Belgium, I wanted to try to model Money in Elm. I don’t want to go to deep and too far so I’ve set some basic constraints for myself: You cannot add money of different currencies (you need an explicit conversion) - Add constraint We also want a Price. »